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LOWER is a built-in function in SQL used to return all uppercase character(s) in a string to lowercase. It can be quite useful when performing case-insensitive comparisons or searches in your queries.


The basic syntax for LOWER in SQL is:


Here, 'string' can be a literal string or a column of a table, and the function will return the string with all alphabetic characters converted to lowercase.


Let's take a look at a very basic example. Assuming we have the following string "SQL is BAE!" and we want to convert it to lower case.

SELECT LOWER('SQL is BAE!') AS LowerCaseString;


sql is bae!

If you are using a column from a table, let's say we have a table 'students' with a column 'Name' and we want to convert all the entries in that column to lowercase:

SELECT LOWER(Name) AS LowerCaseName FROM students;

Here, the LOWER function will return all the names from the 'Name' column in the 'students' table in their lowercase forms.

Remember, the LOWER function doesn't affect the numbers and special characters in the input string, it only converts uppercase alphabetical characters to lowercase.